Testosterone solo course – for those who want to be stronger

Today, various testosterone derivatives are in free implementation, in other words, androgenic- anabolic steroids (AAS). This group of drugs is recommended for building muscle and increasing strength.

But the accounts do not discount and Oba-screw testosterone tableting’s forms and injections. Detailed information about the course application, the mechanisms of action on the body of athletes and undesirable effects, we will tell in our article.

The content of the article:

  1. Who is testosterone?
  2. The list of drugs:
  • Enanthate
  • Propionate
  • Cypionate
  • Sustanon
  • Omnadren
  1. Side effects.
  2. How to reduce side effects and increase the effect of hormones?

Who is testosterone?

Testosterone is suitable for everyone who wants to increase muscle mass and strength. This tool is recommended to use in combination with other anabolic steroids, at least one drug. This combination helps to achieve maximum performance from taking steroid compounds. That is why they are used in practice by professional athletes.

Testosterone solo course is ideal for beginners who first meet with drugs based on hormones. You should know that at the initial stage you should not give the load on the body with large dosages of anabolic steroids. This may adversely affect the health of the consumer.

The use of testosterone in the middle portions will protect the novice from possible side effects and reduce the overall risk to physical health. It is solo courses that make it possible to adequately assess the effect of testosterone on the body as a whole. Caution in use contributes to the achievement of maximum results from steroid drugs.

Who is testosterone

The list of drugs

The most popular testosterone drugs are enanthate , propionate , cypionate , sustanon and omnadren . Each of them is shown for solo use, as it is most effective for beginners and professional athletes.

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Enanthate is distinguished by its prolonged action, unlike other testosterone derivatives. It should be used 1 time in 7 days.

ATTENTION! Course application implies the following layout: enanthate at a dose of 250 mg once every other week. When increasing or decreasing the needs of the dose should be adjusted to a greater or lesser side. For beginners, arecommended dosage of 250 mg is sufficient , but experienced athletes adhere to a dosage of 500 mg. If necessary, you can use the 100 mg ampoule form and adjust the dose individually.


Propionate is a testosterone ester with a short exposure time. Therefore, it must be consumed more often. The drug is recommended for athletes who are on the dryer. To increase muscle mass and increase power characteristics, you must adhere to the following schemes:

  • beginners – 50 each mg 1 time in 48 hours;
  • experienced athletes – 100 each mg 1 time in 2 days;
  • professional consumers – 100 each mg daily

You can consume propionate according to the “hill” scheme, which looks like this:

  • 1-7 days – enter 50 mg twice on Thursday and Sunday;
  • 8-14 days – 50 mg on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
  • 15-21 days – 100 mg each on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;
  • 22-28 days – on 100 mg – reception similarly 8-14 days;
  • 29-35 days – 100 mg each – reception is similar to 15-21 days;
  • 36-42 days – 50 mg each – reception is similar to 8-14 days;
  • 43-49 days – 50 mg on Tuesday and Friday;
  • Day 50 – 50 mg on Tuesday .

This approach allows you to gradually increase the level of testosterone to maximum values, and then painlessly reduce.

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Cypionate (oil solution) is similar to the action of enanthate , since its effect lasts a long time. The half-life is 7 days, and the after-action time exceeds 14 days.

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To maintain a normal level of testosterone, it is enough to take cypionate 1 time in 7 days. Recommended dosage for beginners – 250 mg, for professionals – 500 mg.

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Compared with the above drugs (esters of testosterone), Sustanon belongs to the group of combined means. It consists of – propionate , phenylpropionate , isocaproate and decanoate .

Sustanon is administered 1 time in 7 days at the optimal dosage for beginners – 250 mg, for professional athletes – 500 mg. The total duration of the standard course is 1.5 – 2 months.

IMPORTANT! You should know that this drug is not fundamentally different from other derivatives of testosterone. Its constituents (esters) eventually turn into testosterone as well . But Sustanon surpasses in price the means by type of enanthate or propionate . Therefore, its use in some cases is not justified.


Omnadren is considered a combination remedy. It is similar to Sustanon in its constituent components. That is why the application schemes are also valid for omnidren , which is distinguished by a relatively low price.

Side effects

Testosterone drugs can cause similar undesirable effects, namely:

  • an increase in breast size;
  • excessive accumulation of fat in problem areas – by the female type;
  • edema syndrome;
  • hypertension;
  • acne;
  • partial or complete hair loss;
  • nervous excitement;
  • tendency to aggression;
  • unmotivated irritability.

The main disadvantage of the hubbub is its transformation into an estrogen , when it enters the male body. This explains the occurrence of all side effects. But unwanted effects can be prevented.

How to reduce side effects and increase the effect of hormones?

In order to achieve maximum effectiveness from the use of testosterone and reduce side effects to a minimum level, auxiliary means should be included in the hormonal course as a supplement.

  1. Aromataseblockers – lower estrogens in the circulatory system. Warn an increase in the mammary glands, swelling of organs and tissues, and an increase in blood pressure. Inhibitors include: anastrozole , letrozole andexemestane . Their introduction occurs on the 11th day after the start of the course of treatment.
  2. Estrogen inhibitors– bind the receptor apparatus of estrogen and block their functions. Used after a course of therapy for 7-14 days. This group includes: tamoxifen , clomiphene and toremifene .
  3. Cortisol inhibitors– used to consolidate the results obtained after building muscle. They are used 14-21 days after the hormonal course. The most effective blockers include protein, BCAA and ascorbic acid.
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TIP! Course therapy with testosterone is recommended for beginners. Means, which include testosterone, in a short time increase the volume of muscles and strength indicators.

Against the background of the separate use of testosterone, it is possible to assess its overall effect on the body, as well as to develop a further regimen for taking other steroid drugs. This will avoid the pronounced side effects and the correct choice of auxiliary drugs.