All about powerlifting!

If you decide to seriously engage in powerlifting, you don’t need to strive for that dry relief look that is usually distinguished by bodybuilders.

Athletic enthusiasts are mistaken, believing that a bodybuilder always looks like, say, in a competitive photo. It is only for bodybuilding that the peak is reached at the peak, volume, shape relief, venousness and muscle density only several times a year.

The preparation of this form is very difficult, requires special dietary practice (especially with the steroid technique), which is not required in powerlifting. The use of a diet may be necessary only if it is necessary to enter the limit of a certain weight category.

Powerlifter equipment (basic concepts)

Equipment is clothing, shoes, or other devices used when lifting the bar (not just squats!), Which are allowed for use in competitions. The equipment was designed to minimize injuries and to help with exercise. The usual sports uniform or shorts, although allowed to compete in competitions, do not help in case of injury, which means they are not considered equipment.

Weightlifters are shoes that are used for training and weightlifting performances (hence the name). It does not have to be weightlifting shoes. Its main difference is that it is a hard leather shoes that lace up tightly along the entire length. In addition, there is a stiff sole and a small solid heel (about 2 cm). For squats, this is an ideal shoe: the leg in it is rigidly fixed and does not lean to the side, and the heel allows you to keep balance. That is, there is stability and the possibility of ankle injury is reduced.

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The belt is a leather wide multi-layer belt. In weightlifting, a wide back and a narrow front belt are used. “By inheritance” such a belt went into powerlifting. Over time, it was modified, and now it has the same width over the entire length, the size of which has changed and is 10 cm. The belt in powerlifting is much thicker and more massive than in other power sports. Since the wider the belt, the better; its width is limited by the rules of the competition.

Squat equipment

The following equipment is used in squats: special shoes (weights), belt (belt), bandages for knees (knee wraps), tights (suit) for squats (supersuit), wristbands (wrist wraps).

squat equipment

Traction equipment

The equipment for traction is the same as for squats: special shoes, a belt, tights or a super suit (supersuit), bandages for knees.
Unlike squats, traction uses shoes without heels, with rubber soles; such shoes help to keep balance on the heel and not to roll forward. Usually these are wrestling shoes, Czech shoes or gym shoes.

Traction equipment

Outfit for bench press

The most traumatic places in the bench press are the shoulders, chest and hands. The following types of equipment are used for athlete insurance: wristlets, shirt (shirt) for the bench press (blast shirt).
Shoes for bench press does not matter much. The only thing that is required of her: she must be comfortable.

Lifter belt

When doing powerlifting, it is better to use a special lifting belt than a weightlifting belt, since it is less effective. In weightlifting, the belt is used when doing traction, squats and lifting to the chest. During the ascent to the chest, the athlete in the gray-haired woman shrinks somewhat, and if the belt was wide in front, he would hurt and interfere with the athlete. In order to avoid these negatives, it is rather narrow in front. But this “cutout” significantly reduces press support.

weight lifter belt

The main task of the belt is to insure the back and not allow it to bend. It would seem that the wide part of the belt should be on the back, on the back. But this is a fallacy. The front part of the belt does not allow the back to bend, and the wider it is, the better it will hold the back, which means it is better to insure it. The back of the belt carries a much lower load. In squats, try to put on the weightlifting belt with the wide part forward, and fasten it at the back. You will feel how much easier it is to squat. In addition, the wide part in front holds the press much better, which gives such relief, partially reducing the internal pressure in the body. Therefore, a wide belt was designed along the entire length, which is best suited for powerlifting. In weightlifting, the weights when pushing and pulling are slightly lower than the limit, so such a belt replacement would not give tangible results (although with squats it would still be more convenient, especially on extreme weights!).

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