Which testosterone is better for gaining muscle mass in bodybuilding? Which testosterone is better for gaining muscle mass in bodybuilding?

The hormonal background is important for the health of the whole body, and experienced and novice athletes know that it is on its level that the rate of muscle mass gain, its quality, and also the reduction in the volume of subcutaneous tissue depend. So, the higher the level of male androgen – testosterone in the blood, the faster these physiological processes occur and the sooner the bodybuilder gets a prominent figure of his dreams. However, not everyone knows how to properly increase the hormone rate without providing imbalance and without disrupting the functioning of many internal organs.


1. What processes are affected by testosterone and what its level depends on
2. How to increase hormone levels
• Medicines to increase testosterone
• Nutrition as the key to the androgen balance
• Sports and testosterone
3. What else should you pay attention to 

What processes are affected by testosterone and what its level depends on

In medicine, it is customary to separate androgens into “male” and “female”, although both species are found in the body of both sexes, their concentration is different. The manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics depends on their level: a high norm of estrogen in a woman will provide her with a magnificent breast and a high timbre of voice, testosterone will give a man a strong body, facial hair, and sexual speech hoarseness. If, due to a hormonal failure, the rate of “own” androgens decreases and “strangers” increases, secondary signs of the opposite sex arise. That is why it is important for both men and women to maintain the right balance of hormones.

how to increase testosterone

In the stronger sex, testosterone is also responsible for:

• the volume and quality of muscle mass, its strength indicators, because takes part in the synthesis of proteins (the main building material of muscle tissue cells) and helps their proper absorption;
• body endurance, ability to withstand prolonged physical activity, quickly recover after them;
• the health of the reproductive and reproductive system: the fullness of potency, the strength of an erection, the quality of seminal fluid, sexual attraction to the opposite sex and other components of a quality intimate life depend on its level;
• condition and proper functioning of the nervous and vegetovascular systems;
• the correct course of metabolic processes, the deterioration of which invariably leads to an increase in adipose tissue and dysfunction of all body systems.

Maintaining the correct androgen rate is possible if you eat right and get regular exercise. Particular attention should be paid to:

• power loads;
• weightlifting;
• all types of struggles. 

Exceptionally cardiac loads will produce a less pronounced result, and in combination with strength exercises they will accelerate the increase in testosterone levels. The least effective are exercises aimed at stretching (yoga, Pilates).Nutrition is one of the key factors in regulating the hormone. It should include not only the right foods and dishes, but also special sports nutrition. It is better if a specialist selects a scheme that takes into account:

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• all individual anthropomorphic features of the representative of the stronger sex;
• his general physical condition;
• existing chronic pathologies, etc. Another enemy of a healthy hormonal background is stress. The work of most body systems, and, above all, nervous and reproductive, depends on the state of psycho-emotional health. To maintain the balance of androgens in the norm will help:
• healthy, full sleep at least 8 hours a day;
• control over your reaction to daily “minor troubles”;
• avoidance of stressful situations, timely fight against them;
• work with psychologists (if necessary).

If such methods are not enough and the athlete needs to slightly increase the hormone norm, various medications will come to the rescue. Typically, these are various dietary supplements and sports nutrition, whose action is aimed at enhancing metabolic processes and stimulating the synthesis of testosterone. However, it should be noted that their choice should also be carried out by a specialist, and it is forbidden to violate the intake schedule, because this can lead to a malfunction of the internal organs and their systems.A huge influence on the level of testosterone has a regular sex life. It does not matter the duration or number of sexual acts, the main thing is that sex should be regular and full.Ethanol and nicotine are capable of lowering the androgen rate, so work on a beautiful and strong figure necessarily includes giving up bad habits. Otherwise, all testosterone in the body will be destroyed by toxic substances, its norm will drop to a critical level, which will lead to physical weakness.

As a result:

• decrease in the intensity of physical activity;
• dysfunctions of internal organs;
• increase in adipose tissue;
• “erasing” of male secondary sexual characteristics and the appearance of female (usually it is obesity in the thighs and abdomen, the appearance of a low voice, the growth of the mammary glands);
• changes in the psycho-emotional state – softness, vulnerability, tearfulness.
Body weight control is very important because with obesity, there is a decrease in androgen to 10-20% of the norm. However, proper nutrition, normalization of metabolism and sports will be the first steps towards a dream figure and healthy body.

How to increase testosterone

To normalize the level of androgen and its increase, an integrated approach should be applied. Just playing sports, without a diet and regular sex is not enough, just like taking dietary supplements without physical activity and other actions. Work on your body should begin with a conversation with a specialist who will develop a complete scheme of “the struggle for health and beauty.”

Medicines to increase testosterone

Testosterone is a complex hormone. Its chemical composition contains zinc, magnesium and selenium, various vitamins, amino acids and other elements. They are in one or another ratio contained in pharmacological products.

In any pharmacy, the pharmacist will easily advise a popular tool to increase potency, and hence testosterone levels, but not all drugs give the same effect to all members of the stronger sex. So, when choosing a remedy, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the body of the representative of the stronger sex, therefore it is better to entrust it to the doctor after undergoing a comprehensive medical examination. The results of the tests will help to understand exactly what elements are needed by the body, help to exclude the development of side effects, reveal contraindications or their absence.

Each drug has its own annotation and method of administration, but the doctor can prescribe an individual scheme that an athlete will need to adhere to. Only with all medical recommendations, a man can effectively burn subcutaneous fat, strengthen muscles and raise the level of androgen in the blood.

Medicines to increase testosterone

Nutrition as the key to the androgen balance

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the use of certain dishes and products positively affects the quality of a man’s intimate life. Later, clinical studies found that they are able to increase the androgen rate, on which the potency strength and the level of sexual desire depend. Today, proper nutrition can not only return the joy of a full intimate relationship to the representative of the stronger sex, but also help him find a beautiful, sculpted body.

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Recommended products include:

• seafood and oily sea fish (they are rich in fatty amino acids and iodine, without which a full synthesis of androgen is impossible);
• all types of greenery;
• nuts;
• linseed and peanut butter;
• red meats;
• egg yolks.
In addition to useful products, there are those that slow down the production of testosterone, than reduce its amount. Usually these are dishes with a high content of fast carbohydrates: sweets, flour products, sweet carbonated drinks. You can add fast food dishes to this list – they quickly saturate, but after 30-40 minutes the feeling of hunger returns, which leads to additional meals, overeating and, as a result, obesity. The “fast street food” dishes themselves contain a huge amount of fat and simple carbohydrates, which also contributes to the growth of fatty tissue.

Alcoholic drinks are a forbidden topic for any bodybuilder. In addition to the fact that ethyl alcohol burns testosterone, it is very high-calorie, and therefore the gain in fat mass is accelerated. The negative effect of ethanol on the cardiovascular system is known, which, together with strong physical exertion, can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Sport and testosterone

Sports and androgen have a close relationship: the higher the level of the hormone, the more intense the athlete can afford, and the more regular the exercise, the more androgen the body produces. However, such a balance is possible subject to certain rules:
1. Classes should consist of the maximum number of strength exercises.
2. Loads should be increased gradually, as strength and endurance increase.
3. The duration of the training should not exceed 60 minutes, of which the first 10 minutes should be devoted to warming up the muscles, and the last – to a hitch and stretching. Exceeding the recommended time will lead to excessive activation of metabolic processes and the release of energy, which will cause physical exhaustion and loss of muscle mass.
4. The choice of physical activity should be discussed with the doctor. He will determine which particular classes will be most effective at one or another stage of an athlete’s life, taking into account his general physical condition and health.

androgen receptor

What else to look for

While playing sports and taking dietary supplements, the testosterone norm is quite high, but refusing exercise or stopping the use of pills leads to the return of the androgen level to “previous positions”, and sometimes to a rollback. To maintain the results achieved:
• adhere to proper nutrition: eat often (6-7 times a day) and in small portions;
• choose healthy foods and cook them correctly (from


1. What processes are affected by testosterone and what its level depends on
2. How to increase hormone levels
• Medicines to increase testosterone
• Nutrition as the key to the androgen balance
• Sports and testosterone
3. What else should you pay attention to 

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What processes are affected by testosterone and what its level depends on

In medicine, it is customary to separate androgens into “male” and “female”, although both species are found in the body of both sexes, their concentration is different. The manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics depends on their level: a high norm of estrogen in a woman will provide her with a magnificent breast and a high timbre of voice, testosterone will give a man a strong body, facial hair, and sexual speech hoarseness. If, due to a hormonal failure, the rate of “own” androgens decreases and “strangers” increases, secondary signs of the opposite sex arise. That is why it is important for both men and women to maintain the right balance of hormones.

In the stronger sex, testosterone is also responsible for:

• the volume and quality of muscle mass, its strength indicators, because takes part in the synthesis of proteins (the main building material of muscle tissue cells) and helps their proper absorption;
• body endurance, ability to withstand prolonged physical activity, quickly recover after them;
• the health of the reproductive and reproductive system: the fullness of potency, the strength of an erection, the quality of seminal fluid, sexual attraction to the opposite sex and other components of a quality intimate life depend on its level;
• condition and proper functioning of the nervous and vegetovascular systems;
• the correct course of metabolic processes, the deterioration of which invariably leads to an increase in adipose tissue and dysfunction of all body systems.

Maintaining the correct androgen rate is possible if you eat right and get regular exercise. Particular attention should be paid to:

• power loads;
• weightlifting;
• all types of struggles. 

Exceptionally cardiac loads will produce a less pronounced result, and in combination with strength exercises they will accelerate the increase in testosterone levels. The least effective are exercises aimed at stretching (yoga, Pilates).Nutrition is one of the key factors in regulating the hormone. It should include not only the right foods and dishes, but also special sports nutrition. It is better if a specialist selects a scheme that takes into account:

• all individual anthropomorphic features of the representative of the stronger sex;
• his general physical condition;
• existing chronic pathologies, etc. Another enemy of a healthy hormonal background is stress. The work of most body systems, and, above all, nervous and reproductive, depends on the state of psycho-emotional health. To maintain the balance of androgens in the norm will help:
• healthy, full sleep at least 8 hours a day;
• control over your reaction to daily “minor troubles”;
• avoidance of stressful situations, timely fight against them;
• work with psychologists (if necessary).

If such methods are not enough and the athlete needs to slightly increase the hormone norm, various medications will come to the rescue. Typically, these are various dietary supplements and sports nutrition, whose action is aimed at enhancing metabolic processes and stimulating the synthesis of testosterone. However, it should be noted that their choice should also be carried out by a specialist, and it is forbidden to violate the intake schedule, because this can lead to a malfunction of the internal organs and their systems.A huge influence on the level of testosterone has a regular sex life. It does not matter the duration or number of sexual acts, the main thing is that sex should be regular and full.Ethanol and nicotine are capable of lowering the androgen rate, so work on a beautiful and strong figure necessarily includes giving up bad habits. Otherwise, all testosterone in the body will be destroyed by toxic substances, its norm will drop to a critical level, which will lead to physical weakness.

As a result:

• decrease in the intensity of physical activity;
• dysfunctions of internal organs;
• increase in adipose tissue;
• “erasing” of male secondary sexual characteristics and the appearance of female (usually it is obesity in the thighs and abdomen, the appearance of a low voice, the growth of the mammary glands);
• changes in the psycho-emotional state – softness, vulnerability, tearfulness.
Body weight control is very important because with obesity, there is a decrease in androgen to 10-20% of the norm. However, proper nutrition, normalization of metabolism and sports will be the first steps towards a dream figure and healthy body.